Turning despair into hope

A letter from a friend to Mark

February 28, 2000
Dear Mark,

The last day has been like a bad dream. I didn’t believe it when I heard you were gone. Mark Fair, gone? Never! It didn’t sink in for a while that I would never be able to hear your voice, or listen to you talk about the latest fiasco you were involved in. It took a while, Mark. Almost a whole day. When it occurred to me that you were really gone, I felt a little piece of myself die. It was strange. We weren’t the best of friends, but you could always be counted on in a pinch, and always had a funny story to tell. I’m gonna miss you.

It bothers me to have to say that. So many people will say that in the next few weeks. But it’s very true. I honestly miss you. I admired you, you know that? You had a lot of great qualities that I wished I could duplicate. Does that surprise you? I always admired your devotion to Kappa Sigma. Everything you did reflected that love. You worked tirelessly for something you believed in. Sometimes my faith in the Greek System is a little lacking, but you always managed to restore it. I know you didn’t feel appreciated a lot of the time, but you really exemplified the spirit that fraternities should have.

I also admired your love for your family. Every time you mentioned them, you lit up. It was so cool to watch. And it wasn’t just love, either. You could see how much you respected them, In this day and age, that sort of thing is rare. Everyone says they love and respect their families, but it’s really hard to believe sometimes. I always believed it from you.

I could go on for pages and pages about what I admired about you. There’s no point, really. I know that this isn’t the time for that. I should have said it long ago, every day that I saw you, because now these words are empty. I’m sorry I never told you how much you meant to me. You were a cool guy, Mark, and I’m glad I had the honor and pleasure of knowing you. My life was richer, and more interesting, because of it. I hope that you are at peace now, and I hope that whatever heartbreak and sorrow you held are now dissolved. I hope you can finally rest.

Goodbye, Mark Adam Fair. I’ll miss you.

Love, your friend